Saturday, January 1, 2011


Somehow throughout the entire Christmas season, I never posted anything about our Elf, Sphrunkles! He was such a big part of our family and Christmas this year (as he was last year, when he first started coming to our house) so I can't believe this is the first time he gets a post!

Meredith was very excited to welcome Sphrunkles back to our house. She started out asking him to go to certain places throughout the house and then she let him choose for the rest of the time. One night when he chose her room, she randomly woke up around 3 am. I tucked her back in and then had to quiet her uncontrollable tears as she caught sight of him! She was very upset he was in her room and wanted him OUT! We asked him if I could, just this once, carry him somewhere new since she was so upset, to which he obliged (if you don't know the Elf on the Shelf tradition, you can't touch your elf or he won't come back). The next day, I asked why she didn't want him in her room and she told me "I don't want him to see me throw fits in case he tells Santa!" Tricky, tricky girl! Luckily, she got over this and he did end up visiting her room a couple of times. She would also talk to him all the time, reminding him things she wanted, asking questions about him, Santa, etc. And every morning, she would search the house until she found him, then would run into our room to drag us out to find him too - often telling us how silly he is for the spot he found.

About a week after Sphrunkles arrived, we were surprised when walking by him with Jillian, to hear her say "HI, Sphrunkles!" She loved him so much too, that she learned his name very quickly! We would often even entice her to go home from somewhere fun so that she could go see him. The day after Sphrunkles went back to the North Pole, Jillian went to the tree (where he was last) and said "Sphrunkles, go?" I told her that he had to go bye-bye. Then we had a long conversation, that went something like this. J: "Sphrunkles, go?" Me: "He went bye-bye" J:"Sphrunkles, bye bye?" Me: "Yes, Sphrunkles went bye-bye." J: "Oh" Pause, pause. J: "Sphrunkles go?" (I think you get the picture to how this loop went!) Even now, you will catch her in mid babble telling you that "Sphrunkles bye-bye" Needless to say, our whole family will miss our Elf until next year! Have a good vacation at the beach with your wife and family Sphrunkles! :)

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