Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God Bless the USA!

Last week Meredith's school had a Patriotic Program to show off all they have learned about the presidents and the country. The kids had fun hats on and had learned tons of songs! I loved watching Meredith sing and do all the motions, too! After all the 4 year olds sang their songs, each class got up to tell us all about one topic they had learned. The Turtle class was in charge of sharing all about George Washington. It was so much fun to hear them share the facts they knew and I was beaming with pride when they asked "When is George Washington's birthday?" Her friend shouted out "President's Day!" and when the teacher's asked for something more specific, they said "Yes, but what day in February?" And Meredith shouted out "The 22nd!" I love that she has not only learned so much this year, but that she is so comfortable in front of a big group of people to share all that she knows!
Meredith with her George Washington-style hat
Singing with all the four year-olds
The Turtles center stage! After they shared their George Washington facts, they also sang God Bless America, so sweet!

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