Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Meredith!

I really keep saying that I just don't know how it can be true that my sweet Meredith is 5. That seems SO grown up for that little baby that is mine! I even told her for the last week or so that I wasn't going to let her turn 5. That she had to stay 4. She was not a fan of this at all. And, I really shouldn't have said this because, being the Meredith that I love so much, she just spent the rest of the time consoling me - "Mommy, Jillian will be 4 soon!" (wow, that one actually didn't help -but she meant well!)

So, I just wanted to take a few minutes to write about my favorite five year old - the one who made me a mommy five years ago and with that changed my world in every possible amazing way I would never even imagine.

Although I am her mom and slightly bias, I have to say that I think it is truly possible that she is the most kind, thoughtful five year old around. She amazes me all the time by her initial need to make sure that others are happy even when that may mean she has to give a little. She shows this so often especially when it comes to Jillian. She will choose to play a game or with a toy just to make Jillian's day, or she will give up something that she wants because she knows it will make Jillian happy (we do have to work on this a bit - don't want her to always give into Jillian, but, I love that this is her heart!)

She also just has this amazing love for learning. One of her favorite times of the day is the 30 minutes or so after Jillian goes down for nap because that means she gets to do "School Supplies" - or some kind of workbook or computer activity that teaches reading or math. She is already an amazing reader - she is now at the point that I can hand her a new book and she can read almost all of it without help. Nothing makes a mama prouder than seeing their baby learn something so big!

One of my favorite parts of Meredith right now is her new-found silliness. She loves making funny faces for the camera and just running through the house making silly noises while doing a crazy dance. She has always been a little more reserved, so this piece of her is so fun to see!

Really, this post could go on and on and on about all the great things about Meredith, but all in all, I just have to say that I am incredibly blessed to be her mama and that I love the little big girl she is becoming. Happy 5th Birthday Meredy Moo!

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