Sunday, May 19, 2013

WAM singers

To finish up the year of WAM (Worship and Missions) at church, the girls took part in a musical called The Three Friends.  I loved getting to hear about this musical week-to-week as Jillian tried to confirm the three friends names.  It would usually include her mumbling a couple "shacks" and then the third, most popular, "Aminuteago" (or you might know him as Abednego).  These musical also had them learning the 10 Commandments.  They have learned so much - in case you can't tell, we love our church!  

Unexplainably, the week before the performance, Jillian got really nervous and started crying and she had a tough time every time we went to church after.  We had lots of talks about not being upset that night - luckily the teachers were super sweet and facilitated the lineup so Jillian could hold her Sissy's hand when she got a little scared.

 Jillian takes "putting a bubble in your mouth" to keep from talking seriously!
 Sisters holding hands
 The Ten Commandments

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