Friday, July 25, 2014

Isabelle Dances into the Spotlight

I have been so excited about this fun surprise I planned for the girls.  Usually I can't keep anything from them, but when I found out that the new American Girl movie, Isabelle would be showing at the American Girl store with a special fun premier in Dallas, I jumped at the chance to buy tickets.  Then I just worked on sneaking them there.  Meredith was not so into the surprise trip - she just wants to know everything NOW! But it was well worth the wait once we got there.

Posing with Isabelle and Isabelle (and McKenna, too)

Outside the store - ready to head to the premier

The girls got to walk the red carpet with their dolls - what fun!

Then we headed in to the show - the girls each got a swag bag full of fun stuff including t-shirts for their dolls.  And we all got popcorn and adorable sugar cookies.  

We had such a great girls night - here's to hoping the next movie has something this fun, too!

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