Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Jesus!

After getting home from Gigi's, we pulled out our Happy Birthday Jesus, cake that we made the day before.  We usually take this to Gigi's, but this year, we had to improvise because we didn't come home to get it after Bubbie's.  So, we decided to have Cookie Cake for dinner!  Hey, it is Christmas after all!

So the girls sang....

 And blew out the candles....
 And while they blew out the candles, Jillian caught her hair on fire.

Yes.  She caught her hair ON FIRE.  So, yes, looking back at these pictures, I see how this could have been prevented....pony tail, better placement of the headband, just holding back the poor girl's hair, but hindsight is 20/20.  Luckily, it seems as though hair isn't something that totally goes up in flames....the flames kind of linger and then peter out.  Trust me.  As I saw my daughter's hair light up with fire, I slightly panicked - first of all, for some reason I seemed to first not know what to do with the camera in my hand, like this is really important when your kid is on fire!  Then I started wondering...."do we stop drop and roll? do i just blow it out? do i get water?" Of course, I am also wondering how quickly she might burn her body.  But as I got to her - I might have blown a little, but, like I said, it seemed to just die down and sizzle a bit longer.  I brushed off the charred ends, reeled at how calm we all remained considering part of my child's body was ON FIRE and how unaffected she (and maybe more so, her sister!) seemed to be by it.  Neal seemed the most upset by the terrible smell that lingered FOREVER.  Then, since it turned out to be more funny than anything, I looked back at my pictures wondering if I had photographic proof of her being on fire, but I did not....maybe that is for the best.  And luckily the appeal of eating cookie cake for dinner drew the girls attention away from our near-death experience.
The girls set up a picnic with all their dolls in the playroom, with cookie cake for themselves, and play cake that Jillian got from Bubbie for the dolls.  What a fun (and exciting!) way to end our celebrations!

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