Saturday, March 16, 2013

Exploring the Land

We got to do a little exploring of the Steele's land the first night before dinner, but we really got a great taste of it after we got home from the Gator Park.  And that is when other friends started to show up, too, making it even more fun!

The girls, posing outside the house as we waited for our friends
First big adventure - Golf Cart rides with the Milliorn boys!
Checking out the "Turtle Graveyard"

And Mr. Taylor was a charter boat operator - Meredith got to take a turn with Duckie

 I got to ride with Jillian, Cooper and Taylor.
Meredy tried her hand at fishing.
 This was Neal's idea of exploring!

We cooked our dinner (and dessert!) over the campfire!


 Neal loved reading the local paper  - everyone got a kick out of the police reports, especially!

We got all the kiddos to bathe and then they all watched a movie before bed.  Amazingly, everyone did great with bedtime - don't think all the exploring hurt too much!

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