Today was Jillian's 15 month appointment, so we got to catch up on her stats and let the doctor check to see how she is doing. The stat part is always a little nervy for me for a couple of reasons...
First, Jillian has always been smaller than Meredith - this isn't really a good or bad thing for either of them, but I am always concerned about if that continues how that will play into how they will feel about that as teenagers....will Meredith, who is on track to be as tall as me, be wishing she was more "average" height like Jillian is trending to be now? Or will Jillian wish she was 6 feet tall like the rest of her tall family? I know that none of these stats will predict for sure what either of my girls will look like at 10, 15, 20 or really even next year, but it still always makes me start to flash-forward. Second, Jillian always drops percentages at each appointment - this has never been a concern for the doctor because they aren't major drops, but again, looking back to Meredith, she was always 98% on everything, so changing percentages always just seems weird to me - but again, I am sure this happens alot. Last, there is always the moment when they measure her head and then look at where that measurement hits on "the chart." The doctor used to be concerned about it, but kind of laid those worries to rest at her 12 month appointment (after measuring my head and telling me mine was off the adult chart - whew...we both just have big heads), but I do always still wonder, since they put the idea into my (big) head that it could be a problem. So today, it went about like it always does. Jillian's % are down, they are still lower than Meredith's and she still has a large (but beautiful) head. The most amusing part of the appointment for me is always when the nurse (who seems to be different every time) freaks out when she sees how far off the chart her measurements are. Today, there was an obscenely loud noise that I can't even describe when she saw the point on the chart. But she and the doctor told me that the important thing is that she is staying consistent on her "own" curve!
With all that, I was so excited to hear from them that her language is on track with a typical 15 month old (maybe even a little better) - I have wondered off and on about it because her words have been developing more slowly than Meredith's did at this age (I swear, I don't always compare them in this way!!) And they were also very encouraging that they felt like part of the reason she might be less verbal (in addition to having an older sister to talk for her and a mom who is busy talking to an almost 4 year old and a 1 year old) is that she is doing pretty well with small motor coordination. It was also fun to show off her new love of pretending to be a lion and tiger in their jungle-themed room. It was actually hard to talk over all of the "tiger" and "roars" that were going on from a very excited Jillian!
So here are these meausurments I stressed so much about!
Height: 30.75in (60%)
Weight: 22.6 lbs (45%)
Head: 56.5 (>97%)