Meredith has been going to Little Gym for about a year now and has learned so much! She loves to go, especially to see her favorite teacher, Mr. Jeremy. He helped her really come out of her shell with all the equipment and now loves to walk on the balance beam without even needing our help, swing from the uneven bars, tumble on the mats, and play in the parachute. And the biggest achievement with Mr. Jeremy was getting over her fear of the "tumble track" (a really big inflatable mat that the kids LOVE to bounce on, but made too much of a noise for Meredith to want to join in.)
Last night was the last session of Little Gym, and to celebrate all their hard work, the kids got medals. I had to miss the class, so when I got home, I got to hear all about the struggle Daddy had with trying to get her to go to bed without the medal. Even after he would take it from her, she would sneak out of bed and put it back on. He finally won the little battle, but first thing the next morning, she had it right back on and came running in to proudly show it to me. She kept it on all day today and couldn't wait until we got to Aunt Sandy's to show it to her and then of course, Uncle Perry, too!
Running through the living room so happy to be with her "menal."
Practicing her Olympic Gold Medal kiss.
A common sight today - Meredith playing, medal still around her neck.