Last night we got to have a special treat - as Neal said, more for us than for Meredith. We made a fire and roasted marshmallows to make S'mores! This was especially exciting to me because at our old house we had gas logs, which meant 1) Neal always gave me a hard time about running the gas to have a fire at all and 2) Marshmallows and gas fireplaces don't mix. Meredith was very excited about the "treat" I kept talking up, but in the end, just ate chocolate (she decided the marshmallows were too hot in the smore and I think she didn't like how sticky they made her hands) - although she thought just that was great!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Life with Meredith and...
Finally a post to announce on our blog that Meredith is going to have a little sister! She is due on April 26th, although we hope that she will make an early arrival like her big sister, since Meredith was 10 days early and still weighed in at 9 pounds! And, after a lot of discussion, our little girl finally has a name...
Jillian Mae Hanks
Jillian is a name that Neal and I have both liked for a long time and we are naming her Mae, after Aunt Sandy who is so important to us. Meredith has both of her grandma's middle names (Ann) so it was very important to us that Jillian share someone's name too, so naming her for Aunt Sandy was perfect!
Here is a picture from her last sonogram
Jillian Mae Hanks
Jillian is a name that Neal and I have both liked for a long time and we are naming her Mae, after Aunt Sandy who is so important to us. Meredith has both of her grandma's middle names (Ann) so it was very important to us that Jillian share someone's name too, so naming her for Aunt Sandy was perfect!
Here is a picture from her last sonogram
Saturday, December 20, 2008
All Aboard!
Today was a day that Meredith had been looking forward to - a ride on the North Pole Express in Grapevine (or as she might tell you a "choo choo twaaaiin" which makes her sound like the cutest little southern girl ever!) While waiting for the train ride, they sang carols to get us all in the spirit!
On the way into the train, we got to walk through a Christmas Tree lined path and there was "snow" that Meredith loved!
The train ride was lots of fun - they played songs from the Polar Express movie and Santa even came by again to see all the kids on the train! We were just enjoying spending time together but then we also had a crazy announcer lady who at first seemed a little abrupt - she kept telling everyone to keep their kids quiet so others could hear the songs (what? you really expect a train full of toddlers quiet during a kid-friendly event?) Then she would tell us, in the most monotone voice ever, that we HAD to sing. And when it wasn't "loud enough for Santa to hear" she told us, "we'll have to sing again" sounding totally defeated. All of this might have turned some people off, but everyone on our car thought the whole thing was hilarious and would just laugh at her or tease each other about sticking to the rules.
I think Meredith's face is showing you the fear that she had of the announcer lady and her threats of keeping kids quiet...

The train ride was lots of fun - they played songs from the Polar Express movie and Santa even came by again to see all the kids on the train! We were just enjoying spending time together but then we also had a crazy announcer lady who at first seemed a little abrupt - she kept telling everyone to keep their kids quiet so others could hear the songs (what? you really expect a train full of toddlers quiet during a kid-friendly event?) Then she would tell us, in the most monotone voice ever, that we HAD to sing. And when it wasn't "loud enough for Santa to hear" she told us, "we'll have to sing again" sounding totally defeated. All of this might have turned some people off, but everyone on our car thought the whole thing was hilarious and would just laugh at her or tease each other about sticking to the rules.

Santa Claus
Today while we were in Grapevine for the train ride, we took the opportunity to see Santa. He wasn't the best Santa I'd ever seen and certainly not the cheapest, BUT I had reinforcements, there was no line, and we were there. All these things made it, in my mind the perfect time to let Meredith visit Mr. Claus and share her list for him (which depending upon the day, includes a doll house, a blue car, a train, and a rocket - a few of which were hints that Mommy dropped as ideas, others we are not sure where they came from - why a BLUE car?) We went slowly around the corner with Papa by our side to where Meredith could see Santa, and as we walked up to the front, she proudly said "I sit on Santa's lap!" and she even told the lady that was helping Santa that she was going to ask for a doll house. But as we got to Santa himself, her legs wrapped around me tighter and tighter and tighter. She had no plans of letting go. They tried so hard to get her to not cry, but I convinced them it was fine to just let her do her thing and get the picture. Here are a few that Neal took from the sidelines to give you an idea of this traumatic experience for Meredith! Of course we have a nice big one of her crying hysterically on his lap (it looks remarkably like last years!) that Meredith has loved to look at it throughout the day and tell about her sitting on his lap and crying.
Even though I was losing feeling around my middle from her legs wrapped so tightly, the tears hdn't started yet, so I was hopeful....
Now I am working to pry her legs from around me. Santa nicely offered to do a family picture, but I knew that would just mean that I had to be in it with her crying, so that seemed worse!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Today was the first really cold day we have had, which meant I pulled out all the cold weather gear and bundled up our little cutie before heading out for the day - she loved her hats, scarf and most especially her gloves.
Then this evening, Papa very nicely went and picked up the new big girl furniture that we ordered for Meredith's room. Unfortunately it was incredibly cold and sleeting, but he got it all home, and best of all, Meredith got the special treat of seeing Papa on a weeknight! She got all bundled up so she could go greet him as soon as he arrived, and then immediately asked to go swing (her favorite thing to do with Papa!) Then the sleet (or what she thought was rain) started again. She got so sad, and I just thought that she didn't like the rain, but when we made our way back in from the garage, she went to the dish towel drawer, pulled out a pot holder and said very sadly "Dry the rain!" So against my better mom judgement, Meredith and Papa went out, dried the rain/sleet from her swing and had a great time!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Santa on the Roof
Every year, a friend of ours from Playgroup hosts "Santa on the Roof." She and her family had this tradition as a child and she has started it back up for her kids. We started the night off with Christmas carols while we waited for Santa to appear. Finally, he showed up on the rooftop when we sang loud enough for him to find us. When he arrived, he had treat bags for each of the kids, and called them by name to come grab their treats. Meredith loved the singing, but was terrified when she finally saw Santa - she grabbed me and would not let go. When she started to see the other kids get excited and I explained that he was going to call her name and throw treats to her, she started to warm up to the idea. She anxiously waited for him to call her name and even ran up with me to get her treat (which meant she had to get even closer to Santa).
Celebrating Christmas with Playgroup
Meredith and I got to experience our very first Playgroup Christmas party this week where the kids enjoyed making M&M Christmas trees, eating pizza, making cookies, and doing a book exchange. Meredith really looks forward to Tuesdays every week because she has so much fun with all of the other kids, but this week was probably her favorite of the year!
Meredith and her friend, Grace, after making their M&M Christmas trees.
Making cookies was Meredith's favorite part - as you can see, she decided that her tree didn't need the M&Ms for decoration, so she just ate them. She actually ate most of the icing off the cookie too, but she loved every minute of it!

Congrats Mike and Val!
Where Jesus' Mommy and Daddy take him...
Meredith discovered the fun that I am sure many of you had as a child with a nativity set this weekend at Bubbie's house. So Jesus was moved all over, riding the camel and sheep. She loved the "butterfly" aka the angel. And she also loved to let Jesus' mommy "hold you, Jesus" and putting Jesus night, night. My favorite part of watching her play was when she had Jesus, Mary and Joseph and she told us all that "Jesus, Jesus mommy and Jesus daddy go to Stars game!" I was laughing so hard I was crying. This confused Meredith a bit too so then she asked me "Mommy, you happy??" I reassured her that yes, she made me very happy.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Oh Tamas Tree
Meredith is in love with Christmas trees and loves pointing them out everywhere we go - except that it sounds more like "Tamas Tree!" And for me, this year, I was even more excited to put up the tree than usual because our new house has what I like to call a "Christmas Tree Window." Seriously this was on my wish list when looking for a house. Neal thought this was ridiculous, luckily our realtor confirmed that she has heard this wish before. Now, I am not sure if she was trying to make me feel better or not, but I like to believe I am not totally crazy!
We did have a small issue in that we had a beautiful 9 ft tree that we bought just 2 years ago for our old house with the tallest ceilings ever was not quite going to work in our new house with 8 ft ceilings. Luckily my dad and Neal were able to chop off the bottom chunk of the tree so now it fits perfectly!
We did have a small issue in that we had a beautiful 9 ft tree that we bought just 2 years ago for our old house with the tallest ceilings ever was not quite going to work in our new house with 8 ft ceilings. Luckily my dad and Neal were able to chop off the bottom chunk of the tree so now it fits perfectly!
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