Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dear Meredith,

Dear Meredith,
Today you are four years old! I can't believe you are so big! I have loved spending this birthday with you - you have been so excited to turn 4 years old and I couldn't be happier for all the wonderful things you will get to do now that you are 4. I am sure 4 years ago right now, I was trying hard to figure out how to nurse you and to learn your noises and your tiny facial expressions. I know I couldn't wait for a new nurse to join the rotation so that I could watch her light up to see how beautiful you were and make comments about all of your beautiful hair...and then how I beamed as they told me you were the best and sweetest baby in the nursery (I wondered at the time if they were buttering me up, but I soon learned every word of that was true!)

And you have continued to be the best, sweetest little girl around. I am constantly amazed by your kind-hearted attitude to everyone that surrounds you. Your empathy, your interest in others, more than yourself. And I love that you are Meredith. You love to wear rain boots with any outfit. When lots of other girls will only wear pink, you can't get enough green. You love reading your Bible and learning about Jesus. You are an encouraging, understanding and loving big sister - you try to make Jillian laugh when she cries, you share your toys (most of the time) even when Jillian isn't asking to share in the sweetest way possible, and you are always looking for ways to make sure that Jillian is having fun, too. Tonight, you received a present from Aunt Sandy that you already had. I told you we could return it and buy something new. Instead, you said "I have a great idea. We can take it to the place where they give things to kids that don't have toys." (meaning Mission Arlington). My heart melted. You are selfless. You are smart. You are an individual. And you are all mine and your daddy's. I could not be more proud to have you as my little girl.

Happy Birthday! I love you!
Baby Meredith
Meredith, 4 years old!

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