Thursday, April 23, 2009


Like I said in my last post, Meredith is being such a great big sister - she never likes to hear Jillian cry, she always wants her with us - so when she comes in to our room in the morning, she immediately wants Jillian to get her out of her bed - and if I try to let Jillian swing even for a minute, Meredith insists that we get her out!

Having some shared "tummy time"

Holding baby Jillian
And giving her sweet kisses!

Meredith's last request before bed or nap is to "cuddle me" and now she wants both Mommy and Jillian to cuddle her as she goes to sleep - and she loves to hold Jillian's hand - what cute little girls!

1 comment:

Ginny V said...

Those are the SWEETEST pictures!!! Jillian is precious - all that hair! What a lucky mama you are :)