Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Pedicure

Somehow that one doesn't seem to be in the baby book anywhere, but thought I would document it here! Meredith and I worked a garage sale with Gigi a few weeks ago, and I decided my treat with some of the money would be a pedicure - when I mentioned it, Meredith was all about it too, so I figured it would be a fun outing for us! Meredith wasn't quite sure what to expect but she was all for it as long as they had green nail polish for her!

They offered to add flowers or zebra embellishments to Meredith's toes, so I let her choose one. She was very excited for the zebras! As soon as they finished her big toe and I told her it looked cool, she turned to me and whispered "Where is his head?" Luckily, I got her excited about the zebra stripe look especially when they add sparkles. I have to remember that she is quite literal! :)

Toes are ready to go!
Excited to see her zebras (ok, zebra stripes!)
The final product for a fun mommy-daughter day!

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