Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prom dates and roommates

My college roommate and maid-of-honor Julie and her husband Marc have been a huge part of our lives for the past ten years and we have had fun watching Meredith and their daughter Anna (who is about 9 months younger than Meredith) become close friends! One of Meredith's first words was "Annannananna" and now Anna loves to see "Mermiff." We are sure that one day they will be sharing a Jester dorm in Austin!

Both girls were super excited to get to play at our house the week that Jillian was born, but then Anna's baby brother, Joey decided to make an early entrance into the world, so we had to put that playdate off. I was sad that Joey was a month old before I got to meet him, but we had so much fun letting the girls play and meeting each others little ones! We decided that we had to take lots of pictures of Jillian and Joey just in case they decide to get married someday - then we can include this in a slideshow for all their guests! I said I figured they could at least always know they have a built-in-prom date with each other. (Isn't it good to know that we have high expectations not only for the girls rooming situations but also for our babies and their love lives!)

So sweet!

Even sweeter - a "kiss" from Jillian!

The girls loved playing on the swinget
And Meredith really loved having someone to share her glider swing!

1 comment:

Marc and Julie said...

Anna had so much fun! We can't wait to spend another day with you guys soon!!!