Monday, May 23, 2011

Fun with Jillian

Jillian and I never seem to run out of fun things to do on Meredith's school days - here are a couple fun memories from the last week or so from my phone...

Jillian likes to think that there are hippos in any body of water we pass. There is a little man-made stream thing at the Highlands (a shopping center by our house) and while we were shopping the other day, she insisted we go over to check it out. She of course, immediately declared that there were hippos in there. Then we fed them and fed them by throwing the tiny pebbles into the water. What fun!
About a week later, we had company from her best friend, Bub Bub. After they endured a likely very boring trip to Joann, I promised them a stop at Petsmart. They loved checking out the fish, lizards, cats, mice, and of course the dogs. This, is what I would refer to as Petsmart TV.

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