Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pet for a day

On the way to zoo school 2 weeks ago, I noticed a little silk worm crawling around on my dashboard. I showed him to the girls and Meredith was pretty intrigued! I promised her we would get him out of the car when we got to zoo school so he could have food. I found something to scoop him up on and handed Meredith the worm on her way out of the car. The teachers suggested she keep him for a bit to show him to the class. I figured they would check him out while they unloaded cars and then leave him out in nature. To my surprise, when I came to get her, she was holding a cup with a leaf and our worm friend! He had been the class' pet that whole day - she even took him with them everywhere they went (except on their hike through the zoo!)

When we got home, I told Meredith we really needed to let him go so he could live. She was very sad to hear this news, but finally decided she wanted the best for her friend. First, we took this picture of her teary good-bye.

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