Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ring those bells!

This year, our church sponsored a Salvation Army Red Kettle at our mall and filled the time slots with church members. Our playgroup got together and split a time slot so that our kids could participate without getting tired. The girls and I took the first shift in the morning, which backfired a bit because the kettle was late (it came right before we had to leave!) so the first few people that came by were sad that they didn't have a place to put their money when they saw the cute little helpers.

Meredith began by advertising our church since we didn't have the kettle itself.
Jillian and Meredith made up all sorts of games to pass the time - which included lots of going in and out the door at Macy's.
The kettle, bell, and apron finally arrived!
Meredith was super thrilled to start ringing the bell. The sad part was that we had to get to the doctor, so we didn't have much time - when I told her we needed to leave, she was so sad because she hadn't gotten any money yet. Luckily the last lady to walk by, added some change just for Meredith!
Jillian's turn!

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