Saturday, April 10, 2010


Another special treat to end Meredith's day, was a date with Bubbie! Bubbie took Meredith to go see the Casa production of Cinderella then they headed out to Chick-fil-a for dinner! Meredith was a little nervous about going at first, but when we told her she could wear her Cinderella dress and take a magic wand (which she could use to send the mean step-mother to time-out) she decided she was ready to go. She did say she would like to sit in Bubbie's lap and take Pinky just in case she got scared!

After a long day at the Amusement Park today, Meredith was very tired when Bubbie came to get her, so I was feeling nervous for Bubbie, but she said that she did great! It helped that they very randomly ran into Aunt Sandy, so Meredith was happy with that surprise! After seeing Aunt Sandy, they headed into the theater - Bubbie said Meredith was a little nervous while walking in and then did sit on her lap with her eyes covered until she got a little more comfortable, but after that, it sounds like she had a blast! She was so excited to get to show us her program and tell us all about Cinderella losing her shoe and then getting married!

Bubbie and Cinderella posing after the show

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